This set of articles include the governing documents of the Heritage Pines Condominium Association, a Common Interest Community created under the provisions of the Connecticut Common Interest Ownership Act. New Unit Owners should have received copies of these documents when their Unit was purchased. Copies are provided here for convenience only.

  • The Declaration is the document which describes the legal aspects of how the Association was created as a Connecticut Common Interest Ownership community, certain covenants and restrictions on the Association and a description of the real property.
  • The Bylaws govern the operation and duties of the Executive Board and the operation of the Association in general on matters such as voting on budgets, enforcement of rules and regulations and records that need to be kept by the Association.
  • The Rules and Regulations cover the use of the Common Elements, actions by Owners and Occupants, Parking and other important issues. These rules and regulations often govern day-to-day issues in the community. All Unit Owners (and Renters) should be familiar with these rules and regulations.  The Association approved updated Rules & Regulation in 2017.